Let’s Work Together

IEP Check Up and Review
I am available to review your childs current IEP or 504. This review includes a FREE consultation where we can discuss your goals for your child. After our consultation I will review the IEP and make suggestions to help your child reach those goals. You get a second opinion on your child’s health, why is education any different.
3 Hours of Support and Service
Feel overwhelmed at meetings and need someone to accompany you to help facilitate a productive meeting? Let me join you! In person or by phone.
This service includes a consultation and IEP review prior to meeting. This 3 hours may include texts, emails, phone calls, an IEP review or attendance at an IEP meeting (virtually or in person) and is good for 1 year from the purchase date. (see contract for specifics.)

Virtual Messaging
Online chat for up to 30 mins to answer questions or develop plans for special ed services. This is a great option if you just a have a few questions or need a little direction. This also includes a follow-up email with action plan, resources and advocacy letters needed.
IEP Binder Organizer
How do you stay organized with all the testing, evaluations, IEPs, 504s, BIPs, progress reports, daily sheets etc? So much paperwork! This 14 page download will give you the tools you need to stay organized and walk into your next meeting prepared!
It even includes step by step instructions on writing your parent input statement for your next IEP meeting.
PLUS a video on how to get the most out of your organizer.
(NOTE: this is a download, no physical item will be sent. Please allow 24 hours for download to be emailed.)
Welcome to Special Education
If you are just getting started, this is the package for you! This package includes everything in the 3 hour package PLUS attendance at the domain and eligibility meeting.
PLUS you will be getting the IEP review, interim support if needed by phone, email or text, AND my bonus downloads:
IEP Binder Organizer
IEP Accommodations Master List
Parent Input Statement Template and more!
(attendance may be by phone depending on schedule and location. This will NOT affect your experience)
IEP Meeting Attendance
Looking for a support in an IEP or 504 meeting, but don’t need all the bells and whistles? Here’s your package. This includes meeting attendance by phone only, prep for the meeting and the 15 minute free consultation.
This includes a 2 hour meeting. If the meeting goes over, client will be billed accordingly.