DIY Hand Sanitizer.

Staying above the wellness line.

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With all that has been happening around the world with the Coronavirus, parents are feeling extra worried about keeping their families healthy. We tend to choose products with more natural ingredients and if you’ve been around for a while, you know we love our oils! No this is not a cure for Coronavirus, these aren’t magic oils after all! We know that proper hand washing can help keep the germs at bay, so everyone has stocked up on the hand sanitizer. Here is my DIY recipe I use to help my family stay above the wellness line.

Since we are home on quarantine with many of the rest of you, this little DIY project was a great way to kill some time, while thinking about killing germs. (see what I did there??) The girlies were super excited to help out, no hair brushing or pants required… You’ll see what I mean.


Add in your Aloe Vera Gel or Cocoa Butter Body Oil Gel. The Aloe is what most recipes recommend but I found it to be a little sticky. The body oil gel was thicker and harder to squeeze, but seemed less oily overall.

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Add in the alcohol. In retrospect, handing the 2 year old the alcohol should have seemed like a mess waiting to happen, however, I was just trying to survive and earn a few smiles… NOT PICTURED: The mess I had to clean up right after this picture was taken.

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Add in your essential oils. For an added boost, we like Thieves essential oil, but you can add whatever oils you choose to create a more pleasant smell. Citrus or Mint oils are great at overpowering the alcohol smell.

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Step 4:

Mix well and pour into the container of your choice! Then share with a friend because we all want to stay above the wellness line!

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DIY Hand Sanitizer Recipe

1/3 cup of Aloe Vera Gel or Cocoa Butter Body Oil Gel
2/3 cup 90% Rubbing Alcohol
10 – 20 drops of essential oil, optional (such as Thieves for added immune support.)

Mix ingredients. Put funnel in the opening of the bottle and pour the mixed ingredients into it. For a spray bottle, use filtered water in place of Aloe Gel.

(NOTE: I am not a medical professional. This recipe is not claiming to keep you healthy or cure any disease. This is a personal recipe I am sharing.)

Here is a quick review of the methods I tried to get to this recipe over on YouTube. 


Looking for a way to talk to your kiddo about the Coronavirus? Head over HERE to download your free social story!


And for those of you interested in learning more about using essential oils for your family, send me a message or head to to grab your PREMIUM STARTER KIT! And then join us on Facebook at Essential Oils and Special Needs.



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