
Parent Education, for Special Education Parents... On Demand.
Someone told me my son didn’t have Autism.

Someone told me my son didn’t have Autism.

Someone told me my son didn't have Autism, and it made me second guess myself as a parent for years. We were in the middle of a crisis at school, Mason was 8 years old and we have just received the official diagnosis for the first time. We waited for a long time to...

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ADHD: Executive Function for Remote Learning: Part 2

Hello friends! If you missed part 1, check it out it out here In our last chat, we spoke about specific strategies you can use right now to help support executive function during remote learning. But for those of you...

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ADHD: Executive Function Skills for Remote Learning: Part 1

ADHD: Executive Function Skills for Remote Learning: Part 1

I’ve been lurking in Facebook groups, asking a lot of questions and it seems like SO many families are struggling with remote learning. I’m hearing things like, missing work, struggling to focus, refusing to do work, feeling overwhelmed… any of that sound familiar?...

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What to do before, during and after your next IEP meeting!

What to do before, during and after your next IEP meeting!

Gone are the days where you aren't sure what you are doing at the table. Gone are the days that you feel blind-sided with the topics of discussion. There is no more I don't know what is happening, I'm not sure what is next. Guys, I started this journey because I felt...

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IEP Accommodations for Remote Learning

IEP Accommodations for Remote Learning

This year will be different from every other year your child has had an IEP. Even if you feel like your school has been serving your child well, this year is changing everything we know about school and you don’t want your kids left behind.

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